Friday, May 30, 2014

Goa Shivir 2014: Divinity Unplugged Cont..

Day 4

Namah shivay! Unbelievable. Inexplicable. Amazing. Inexpressible. These words can only make a feeble attempt to describe how the fourth day of the Goa shivir panned out. Baba ji has catapulted the divine atmospherics being experienced during the shivir to the point where finite depictions do not hold the power to describe the happenings. Still, through beautiful pictures and write-ups, one can only attempt to indicate the unprecedented healing being showered by Baba ji.

The goose bumps felt upon Baba ji’s arrival in the K K Birla Auditorium in BITS, Pilani sum up best the indescribable and untold excitement which engulfs the zone of Baba ji’s presence. But what was experienced in the last session of the fourth day in Goa was beyond what even goose bumps can reveal, beyond what words can attempt to describe and beyond any human imagination.

Baba ji’s voice is so spellbinding that any bhajan he sings turns into a divine poetry. Even the occasional old filmy line he sings sounds so pleasing, leading one to feel that this soul is someone very special. The hands automatically fold, the body automatically bows down and there is a natural emotion of devotion and worship that Baba ji’s presence brings about.

Baba ji sure knows how to make someone happy. He knows a little more on how to fully satisfy a soul. A slight example of this ability of his to trigger divine ecstasy was seen by all the sadhaks on the fourth day of the shivir, which some said was also the best day of the special shivir so far. The third and final session of the fourth day turned out to be a divine gift out of the blue for all the sadhaks. One after the other Baba ji unleashed a string of immensely touching and soul stirring Shiv Yog bhajans, sung in deep sentimentality towards the Guru & Almighty.

The session began with Guru Da Darshan and Baba ji being a supreme Guru bhakt himself seemed like a sadhak transported to some other dimension, receiving fresh initiation from his Guru. His eyes closed in devotion. His hands slightly raised in acknowledgement and his lips singing the praises of the shakti of his Guru as the photos in this album will reveal.

A prolonged Guru Da Darshan was followed immediately by Ek Din Bandeya, reminding the sadhaks of the transient and temporary nature of the human birth. During the bhajan, Baba ji drove home the point in the mind of the sadhaks that at the end of life, what will count is the balance of the punya karmas. Worldly riches, inflated financial status and exceptional wealth will be of no use when the last breath is exhaled. What will matter are only the good deeds of service which you have performed during your lifetime.

This was followed by the Namah shiva namah shiva kar bandeya. It looked like Baba ji wanted to convey to the sadhaks the urgency to raise the consciousness, the immediacy of understanding that materialistic pursuits are not the only reason for our existence and there is a higher goal to be achieved. And he was not wrong. Life is indeed short-lived. By the time we realize our mistakes, it is time to depart from this world. And there is no guarantee that we shall return in the same human form, in the same affluent conditions.

To join these three back to back bhajans and take the atmosphere to a different level of divinity altogether, arrived Swasa di Mala Naal Simraan main tera naam. Baba ji’s musical appeal to the Almighty to embrace him and become one was supported by all the sadhaks who followed him line by line.

All through this shivir, it has been Baba ji’s earnest desire to ignite the spiritual fire in the sadhaks. The sustained effort has included lovely Dhyan Sankirtans too.

So, to end the day, after all these bhajans had created a rarefied and inexplicably sacred and spiritual air inside the auditorium, Baba ji saluted the saints with Namokar mantra which is

Namo Arihantanam
Namo Siddhanam
Namo Ayyariyanam
Namo Uvajayanam
Namo lohe sava sahunam

The session had only and only bhajans but the bliss experienced during these bhajan sankirtans can be described only by those who felt it on the spot. Beyond words. Beyond goose bumps.

So let us leave apart such sacrosanct experiences which are beyond our comprehension. Let us understand the easy to comprehend teachings which Baba ji spoke on so well in the two sessions before the complete sankirtan session.

Although whatever comes out of the divine vocal chords of Baba ji becomes a point to be noted, there are still some teachings which are most essential. They are being shared below for the convenience of sadhaks the world over.


1. While an average person would cut corners when asked to do some work, love his family or care for his own self, a Shiv Yogi, in contrast will be sincere in his spiritual duties, his duties towards his own self, his family, his society, his Guru and his fellow beings. A Shiv Yogi will never shy away from hard work and effecting a positive change in his life. He will be disciplined and will have a fixed routine.

2. A Shiv Yogi will have a strong determination. He will say no with confidence. He will not be addicted to any bad habit – smoking, drinking, tobacco, drugs etc even to a small extent.

3. If there is a problem in life, a Shiv Yogi will not stop at curing himself on only the physical front. He will heal himself in totality that is body, mind and soul.

4. A normal person will succumb to any difficult situation in life. A Shiv Yogi will learn the lessons from all troubles and emerge victorious to a higher scale after the problem by not committing the same mistake again.

5. A Shiv Yogi seeks wisdom from the Guru and not short term remedies for superficial cure.

6. Whereas an average person would be happy to remain in his comfort zone, even if it means degradation of the level of his consciousness, a Shiv Yogi will always try to come out of his comfort zone. A Shiv Yogi will have a burning desire to raise his vibrations, a burning desire to heal his life as also those of his nears and dears, a burning desire to evolve.

7. A Shiv Yogi will not try to escape from challenges in life. He will give it his all. He will do or die. There will be no ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’.

After having read all of the above, ask yourself, can you call yourself a Shiv Yogi? If not ask yourself how much more do I need to improve and begin bringing the positive changes right away.


8. Make a sincere effort to understand your goals in life. The immediate, mid-term and long-term goals must be clearly spelled out.

9. Whenever you wish for something, first analyse the consequences you will have to face if the wish materializes. Ask yourself what is the intention behind the wish. Is the intention impure? Am I wishing something to show off to the world? Is my desire driven by belittling others?

10. Happiness must never be relative or comparative. Happiness is an inner phenomenon. It cannot be arrived at by means of competition. The misleading idea of happiness based on bettering others is actually an excuse to fuel your ego and give birth to more of the vice of jealousy which will eventually lead to downfall.

11. Never wish for something which will lead to your spiritual descension.

12. Baba ji cited the example of a wife who had a penchant for exotic and luxury watches worth lakhs. Her husband had been gifting her watches since her last two birthdays. For the third year running, the husband bought a Rs 3 lakh watch for her. Baba ji commented on this: “When you gifted one watch, okay one can understand. When you gifted the second watch okay one has the other hand to wear it. But how will you make her wear the third watch? Is she Goddess Lalita Tripursundari who has multiple hands?” This sparked peals of rip-roaring laughter among all. The message was to stop running after such materialism.

13. Those who feel that the more the money you spend on someone, the more you love that person are living in a fool’s paradise, said Baba ji. Money must be spent wisely. There must be value for money. Emotions, subtle actions, certain sweet gestures weigh far more than extravagantly splurging on luxury gifts, just to satisfy ego.

14. Shiv Yog is the path of truthfulness. Every action, every teaching is based on reality, grounded in divinity.

15. If you really love someone, perform massive charity yourself and pray to God: “Dear Almighty, I dedicate the good fruits of this charity to xyz (name of the person). This is the true welfare. This is doing something really worthwhile for someone. Materialism leads to utter frustration. The biggest gift you can give someone is to pray for the best of the best of this someone. Don’t run after conforming to the worldly products which have zero effective value. All that practices of presenting expensive gifts can do is to lead you downward.


16. Every day that you wake up from the bed, pay gratitude to these in this order
a) Your home. Negativity will perish by itself.
b) Second gratitude has to be to your parents. If you are a married woman, you have to pay gratitude to your in-laws who are like parents for you now. You have karmic give and take with them now.
c) Third gratitude to the spouse.
d) Fourth one to the Guru who has opened the doors of divinity for you.
e) The fifth one to the one who has made everything possible – the supreme Paramatma.
f) Identify your goal and visualize that it has been accomplished. Pay gratitude for it’s successful accomplishment.

17. Nothing comes free in life. There is price to be paid for everything.

18. If you are only enjoying life, doing nothing for others, you are rapidly spending the bank balance of your good deeds. The day the balance will expire, there will be nothing left and a miserable destiny might follow. Therefore sewa is an essential must in life.

19. The debt of these entities have to be paid at all costs
a) Mother Earth
b) Guru
c) Parents
d) Society
e) Country

20. If you eye what is not yours, if you try to steal others’ possessions, you are carving a path where you will be deprived of even what you were entitled for initially.

21. The difference between a birth lived like that of an animal and one that is lived truly like a divine being is this:

The animal-like person will be interested in only indulgence for himself, not caring a damn about others. Such a person will have to meet the same fate as an animal. Some day he will be enslaved. Some day he will lose his freedom. Some day he will be locked in a cage and held in captivity.

The divine being-like person will have the best of the best in his life, but he will not be blind to the pain of others. He will work to uplift others also along with him. He will have the feeling that if God has empowered me, why I shouldn’t help others to achieve the same with the means available to me.

22. Performing Nishkaam sewa will help release all the karmic debt, the accumulated karmas of the previous births.

23. Even if one continues doing the sadhna, there comes a stage where the hard layers of accumulated karmas refuses to go. It is here that Sewa softens the inner core so that the release process becomes very easy.

24. Instill in yourself the attitude of gratitude. A part of the debt is paid by merely extending your gratitude to:
a) Your 5 bodies for working in day in and day out at your service.
b) Your invisible Spiritual Guides, Siddha Gurus who stop you from committing sin, knowingly or unknowingly.
c) Your parents
d) Your teachers
e) Your Guru

25. The universe is running on the principle of gratitude.


26. Baba ji is often asked, by sadhaks that what if I am very positive and the other members of my family are negative?
His answer: If other members of your family are creating too much negativity, don’t be disheartened. Do not give up. Do not become negative yourself. If such a situation arises, raise your vibrations such that your divinity overpowers the negativity of others. The dominant energy should become the positive energy.

27. The biggest deterrent to healing is the rigidity in belief that now I’m established in the state of disease and now I cannot be cured any which way.

28. In the walls of your home, hang only those photos which send out a positive message. Pictures of weapons, of wars, of instruments etc. all have an effect on the sub-conscious mind and slowly the members of the house will be restless and irritated.

29. The inner décor of your home must be in keeping with the theme of peace and tranquility. Because the inner environment is directly affected and influenced by the outer environment.

30. Your consciousness will rise only when it is pure. When impure, it will stagnate or spiral downward.

31. Do not run after competing with others. Run after excellence. Competition must only be with the self. Every day in every way you should get better and better from what you were yesterday.

32. Figure out the negative beliefs you carry with yourself. Find out the bad habits, the bad tendencies, the vices which are acting as obstacles to your journey from being finite to infinite. Ask yourself, what is stopping you from being complete? Once, you get answers to these questions, chalk out the solutions, measure the progress in removal of these hurdles and plant a positive belief instead of the earlier negative one.

33. Your perception towards the world is how you yourself are. You treat others the way you are. If you don’t respect yourself, you will not respect others. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love others. In life, your attitude decides what you get. Your belief in the divinity is the key.

34. To choose your destiny, change the inner look. Automatically, the outer look will change, the perception, the viewpoint and the entrenched beliefs will change.

35. Perform self introspection rather than analysis of others. Don’t try to belittle or suppress others from succeeding. Do not try to overhaul others. Don’t try to manipulate to succeed. Be like the sun. Shine so hard that even ihose who do not know you, take notice.

36. There is no point applying kilogrammes of external cosmetics to look good. In order to shine, you will have to apply the inner cosmetic. Once, the inner beauty is established, the outer beauty will emerge on its own. The inner cosmetics are Unconditional love, positive belief system, forgiveness and acceptance of everyone the way they are. Seek forgiveness from others if you have inflicted pain on them.

37. The Guru will grant you the wisdom, the shakti and he will also show you the path to Self-Realiation. But walking on this path is a choice left to you. The Guru cannot travel for you. Karma you will have to perform by receiving guidance from the Guru. The rule of karma says that negative karmas can be released by only the person who has performed them.

38. To release karmas, healing of the higher bodies is must.

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