By Shiv Yog Foundation
shivay on day 4 of the Goa Shree Vidya 3, Baba ji communicated to the sadhaks
esoteric Wisdom which included shedding light on aspects as how Siddhas compute
the number of births remaining for a person to attainment of Nirvana or Self
realisation(last point of the update). Baba ji laid bare reasons for widespread
hatred, intrinsic to this day and age and also suggested simple means to guard
oneself of impurities which act as hindrances en route to salvation. Find
elaboration in the “Day four highlights” section now updated in the note re
shared below this status. Blessings.
Day 4---Highlights
ji compared our vertebrae with “Sumeru parvat”. This mountain was a centre
point in the primordial landmass when Gondwanaland existed. Although there are
many mythological interpretations on it, in this context, suffice it to say
that the vertebrae are the cornerstone of our lives. Without their existence,
we wouldn’t be living. If the human body is a computer, the petals of the chakras
are its microchips. Emotional turbulence of any kind causes negativity getting
engraved in the vertebrae. It is along the vertebral column that our Sushumna
nadi runs. And it is from the spinal cord in the vertebral column that all
impulses of the body are generated. When negativity sticks to the column, which
is the source of energy transfer, the body gets diseased since all the channels
of energy originate at the Vertebral column.
Hatred---The arch nemesis of
Baba ji said that hatred is caused
by the following factors:
1. Expectations-When we expect others to do
something for us or when we live in the hope of a certain kind of behaviour of
others towards us, certain kind of respect towards us and anticipate a particular
attitude to us as per the image we have made of the person in our minds and
when the aforementioned aspects are not fulfilled, it induces a feeling of
revulsion and hatred which chokes the Anahat chakra. He pointed out that one
must be a free person. No expecting from anyone. No creating boundaries of
Karma for either yourself or others.
2. -Inferiority complex-
Whenever a person belittles us or rises more than us, we feel envy. The root
emotion of envy is hatred. Love can never breed jealousy. It is repulsion and
deep disgust which evoke jealousy. Baba ji said that contentment with whatever
you get and gratitude for the same to Shiva will help one overcome such a vice.
3. Superiority complex -Most of the times we are pining
for the object which the other person has or possesses rather than
materialising good for ourselves. The classic case of Uski kameez meri kameez
se safed kyun demonstrates this mentality to the hilt. We feel we must be
bigger than others, richer than others etc. We do not think we should be happy.
We think we must be ahead in any and every respect vis a vis others. We
compare. We envy. We sulk. We curse God. This is wrong.
ji said
"अस्तेय का पालन होना चाहिए| नज़र तुम्हारी सिर्फ़ तुम्हारी ही उपलभधियों पर होनी चाहिए| दूसरे के पास कितना है और मेरे पास तो कम है, ऐसी सोच अब छोड़ दो”
No statement can be as
self destructive as this one. Never utter such words. This will nullify hours
of sadhna,sankirtan and sewa all at once.
”किसी से नफ़रत करना अधोगति का कारण बनता है| सभी को प्रेम करो और सभी में उस शिव को देखो| इतने सक्षम बनो की शिकायत करने का मौका ही ना मिले तुम्हे| उस शिव का धन्यवाद हर घड़ी करना| उसी से सब चल रहा है| उसी से सब मिल रहा है| वो ही देने वाला भोला भंडारी है| तुम माँग के तो देखो| सुपात्र बन के तो देखो| लोग कहते हैं भगवान देते नही मैं तो कहता हूँ तुम माँगते ही नहीं| ईश्वर को यह नहीं बोलो 'हे राम मुझे पड़ोसी की जैसे गाड़ी दे दो'| तुम खुद क्या चाहते हो यह बोलना| 'पड़ोसी के जैसी' बोलने में भावना अशुद्ध है| कुछ उपलब्धि हो तो धन्यवाद देना| इसी से संपन्नता आएगी और वृद्धि होगी|”
”ऊर्ध्वगती का उपाए बहुत सरल है| शांति रखो और संतोष रखो| शांति केवल मौन होने की नहीं| मैं मन की शांति की बात कर रहा हूँ| मन अशांत होगा तो कुछ भी फलीभूत नई होगा|”
We have become so depraved that a small purse, a hairstyle or an accessory becomes a source of envy. This animal tendency Baba ji says we must leave right away if we dont wish to acquire the birth of an animal in the next incarnation
· ”तुम्हारे जीवन का लक्ष्य उस अनंत को प्राप्त करने का होना चाहिए|”
· ”जब भी साधना के लिए बैठो तो सारे issues resolve करने की भावना से बैठना| सभी को माफ़ कर देना और प्रेम करना|”
Resolve all issues in this birth to attain self realisation in this birth itself. Say Sorry. Forgive everyone. Love everyone unconditionally. Accept everyone the way they are
· ”अपने जीवन की हर घटना को एक अनुभव की तरह लेना और lesson learn करना| जीवन में कुछ भी घाटित हो तो यह सोचना की यह घटना मेरी अध्यात्मिक उन्नति के लिए आवश्यक थी| इसके होने से मुझे कुछ लाभ हुआ है जो मेरे विकास में योग्दायक होगा|
· "ज्ञानी वो जो knowingly सब कुछ करे| ज्ञानी वो जो अपनी साँस से लेकर expected salary के बारे में aware हो| सब कुछ उसी की संकल्प शक्ति से फलीभूत हो| ज्ञानी वो जिसकी golden book उसका भाग्य हो|
· अज्ञानी वो जिसे उसके कर्मों का फल ही मालूम ना हो| अज्ञानी वो जो भाग्य पर सब छोड़ दे| अज्ञानी वो जो जीवन के हर पहलू से अंजान रहे| अज्ञानी वो जो जीवन को एक बोझा समझे| अज्ञानी वो जो आलस और अन्य विकारों को गले लगाए| शिव योगी अज्ञानी वाले एक भी अवगुण नही रखता|"
Gateway of Life and Death
Between our Mooladhaar chakra and
Swaddhisthaan chakra, lies a gateway of give and take. It remains open till the
time the cause and effect cycle continues. There is something you have received
from someone. You have to give back that. Not only in monetary terms but also
anger, jealousy,hatred,anger,pain etc. In one birth you receive these from
someone, in other births you give them back. So letting go is essential to
break this chain. When one attains self realisation, this gateway closes.
"साधना तुम्हे अंतर्मन के करीब लेकर जाएगी| अंतर्मन वो जगह है जहाँ अभी सोचा और अगले क्षण फलीभूत| सिद्ध लोग तभी तो कुछ भी संकल्प लेते हैं तो वह तत्क्षण फलीभूत होता है क्यूंकी वह अंतर्मन में उस परिणाम को घटित कर देते हैं| अंतर्मन के समीप आओ| बाह्यमान इतना शक्तिशाली नहीं| बाह्यमान तो इंद्रियों के वश में आकर विनाश भी माँग सकता है| साधना करो, तुम्हारी जीवात्मा expand करेगी| इससे तुम नर से नारायण की यात्रा आसानी से कर पाओगे|"
The Antarman is so potent that all desires are fulfilled when resolution is taken through it. To reach this realm of mind, deep meditation and purity is required. But for Shiv Yogis who meditate regularly, reaching this stage isnt too difficult at all
Baba ji
harped on the fact that the type of birth we get is dependent on the desire
that we have. As humans, under the influence of worldly lures, we elicit animal
tendencies and eventually which accrue to result in us taking forms of animals
with those qualities in our subsequent births. For example a person who asks
others for money, food etc for free becomes a stray dog in his next birth that
has exactly these characteristics.
We have
come to understand mind as brain. Whenever someone pronounces the word mind, we
instantly recall the brain. But no mind is not the brain. Body, mind and soul
are different aspects of our humanly existence. Of late scientists have
discovered that the human heart has a strong electromagnetic radiation. Heart
is actually a deep state of mind. The brain too is a part of the mind.
In the
heart lies the seat of the soul (“हृदय की गुफा में अंगुष्ठ मात्र आत्मा वास करती है|”)
are virtual recorders. Till the age of 3 years, their intuitive powers are
active but the worldly influences polute their mind and closes their
clairvoyant faculties. Children hear their parents utter everything and slowly
imbibe in themselves, those negative talks. Parents must talk positive, not
only before their kids but also otherwise because kids are sensitive to energy
and catch negativity even in that manner.
How Siddhas calculate the births
remaining for achieving self realisation
Baba ji revealed that just like
we can compute the age of trees by counting the cambial rings in the cross
section of their barks, similarly Siddhas can compute the number of births left
for the final self realisation stage. The belly button or nabhi is
surrounded by subtle rings which clairvoyant beings can see. The more the
number of rings, the more will be the number of births remaining. Unresolved
issues increase the number of rings. Sadhna helps reduce these rings.
If we cut the bark of a
tree through its cross section, we see such rings, using which we can estimate
their age. Likewise, in Humans there are rings around the navel region which
help adjudicate the births remaining before the soul will be liberated. The
rings increase when the unresolved issues and negative emotions increase.
Sadhna helps reduce these rings
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