Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
• You are not a human incarnation. You are a being of light. You have created the human body to experience the human body.
• You are sat-chit-anand and when we are in bliss, you want to experience that bliss (because in sat-chit-anand you just are!) - and you yourselves made an agreement to experience the bliss.
• You have not been born as human to experience sadness. You wanted to experience the bliss. No material object can give you the bliss. you can only experience the bliss in human form.
• Change the frequency of thought patterns of miseries. What is the purpose - without purpose you have not reincarnated on this planet? Taking birth with the soul group, together they want to resolve issues, learn something, and achieve together something in life.
• Ask - Whatever I am doing, am I supposed to do that - or I must change the course of life? Am I taking jyotirmai Kadam (illuminated step) - or Andakar kadam? (dark step) Am I walking path of darkness or path of illumination? Now it is time to move to path of illumination. Then, every second on this planet you will relish.
• You should do a continuous self-analysis! Every day you must do your appraisal - am I moving on the path? Have I learnt a lesson from my life? What is the lesson I have learnt from my this life?
• Your original agreement was - I myself wanted to experience the bliss - the sat-chit-anand, I am that I am - so I had to take this form.
• Purpose of my birth is to achieve infinite bliss, not to live in sadness, ignorance. Misery is living in ignorance.
• When you are nervous subconsciously you have accepted failure. You have to go inside to open the door, to receive the blessings. Not to stay outside and to see what others are doing. Learn to command rather than to accept. You must exercise the power to choose. Give more strength to the divinity, not the negative.
• With deep resentment - there is punishment. But the person having deep resentment, he cannot punish anyone else, so he punishes himself (by chronic illness, unhappiness etc.) Never think my problem is large, Shiva's grace is larger than your problem.
• Don't worry; when you worry, you close the door - already judgement is done. Don't worry. Do sadhana - pray - ask how it can be cured. Take Shiva's name. Koi bhi mujhko dhoka ya cheat nahin karta hai - mere karm hi mujhe karte hai (Noone tricks or cheats me, but my karma does.)
• When we are in mode of non-forgiveness, we seek their harm knowingly or unknowingly, we seek their curse. Ask God for their happiness. Shiva dwells in forgiveness. God dwells in unconditional love.
• There are 3 knots of ignorance in consciousness pathways:
• Brahma granthi - knot of ignorance. There is awareness and belief I am this body, I am of superior/inferior caste/family. Anything connected to physical body. Psychic impressions of ignorance collected together.
• Vishnu granthi - knot of ego - I have a lot of spiritual power, which is a rajoguna. I have a lot of wealth. Emotions of Ego.
• Rudra granthi - everything you have is released, body consciousness, ego consciousness. I seek the happiness, I have happiness. You have to reach nirguna nirakar, state of Bliss.
• Request Shakti of Guru to make us ascend into higher and higher consciousness. We fight our own healing. Let Shiva win. Make your inner consciousness alive. We fight that 'my misery is right, my misery cannot be taken away.' We resist. It is inbuilt in us - Animal tendency of fighting. Our psychology says how I can justify what is not coming to me. Fight or run away. If someone is more powerful, we run away.
• Believe in purity, and have desire to receive the grace. Whatever I want, I am receiving it. Tum Chahte Kya Ho? We have an inner instinct to choose - like we chose what clothes to wear in morning, what to eat, etc. If everything you have chosen, then also you has chosen which emotion you want to experience (sadness, happiness).
• No matter wherever you are, you can reach wherever you want to be!
• Attitude is mine, thought is mine - I have to choose - it is in my hand to perceive how I want to perceive.
• Balancing body, mind, and soul. Full involvement. Just do not chant with this body - merge it with the soul. Do it with the 5 senses. Feel the mantra. then feel it with the 6th sense. Just give the intention, don't worry where my 6th sense is. Your power is your feeling of gratitude.
• Whatever best you get, you must share. and whatever bad you get, you learn from it and burn it in the Shiv Agni.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Queries of sadhaks-- Part 7
Q. Namah Shivay Babaji. How can one repay parents' debt? They have done so much for us and it is nearly impossible that anything can ever match to their love in our life.
A. Namah shivay you are very correct. That debt is unending. But in your capacity do everything to please them and keep them happy so that till the last breath they say "Proud to have a son like him. Thank you Shiva". Shiva sees whether you tried your best or not. If you did, all your debts shall be excused. Blessings.
Q. Can we send sanjeevani to our parents in order to remove debts as baba ji says that sanjeevani is universal currency?
A. Namah shivay yes you can certainly do this. Blessings.
Q. Namah Shivay! I wanted to ask: (1) is it something normal that while doing sadhna, after a period of time we can't and don't feel like doing? If yes what's the cause and what should be to prevent it? (2) Babaji had said that while doing sadhnas, our aura is purified. Can u please help me to understand why after some time we find that some people are no more in our life or are very distant from us? Thank You Very Much
A. Namah shivay this period from mid 2010 to late 2012 has a characteristic that both devil powers and divine powers are prevalent. At the slightest stimulus of negativity, the mind will digress and disinterest shall take over to ...give way to negativity. Do not let this happen. The play of senses is very dominant at this time period. Sadhna of an hour done at this point of time yields fruits equivalent to those by meditation of thousands of years. Do the sadhna daily. Develop will power. Distractions at this time should be overcome. The fight of the good and evil is underway and those siding with the evils shall be exterminated. On the other hand this is also a golden opportunity to ascend in physical form to 4th Dimension. Answering your 2nd question. As we do sadhna, the energy around us changes drastically. Everyone whom we attract in this life is nothing but energy. Nature's rule is that like energy will attract energy of its kind to expand. So as we do sadhna, the energy increases and those with lower energy slowly drift away from our lives. But remember you have to give love to all and accept whatever is happening. Blessings.
Q. Babaji, Namah shivay, with Dec 2012, kya yug change hone wala hain. Please batain.
A. Namah shivay yug is a phenomenon of the third dimension. A yug is nothing but a time period reflecting the general mindset of inhabitants. We are moving towards 4th dimension where purity is supreme and the concept of good time period and bad time period will end. Blessings.
Q. Namah shivay len den khatm karna aur sirf apni kamai per rahna 43 years kee house wife kae liye kya ho sakta hai o bhi jab husband sansarik ho to kya kabhi karm se mukti milegi jab atmic shakti nahi hai to echa hai ur shakti mili to echa khatm please explain kare.
A. As a housewife your job is to give love to your family. You have the whole day to think of ways to keep your spouse and children happy. Make good food for them. Learn new recipes. Share jokes with them. Do sadhna whenever you... get an opportunity. Even during day you can do the Nachiketa Agni dhyan. DOING MEDITATION AND DISTRIBUTING LOVE SHALL CLEAR YOUR KARMIC DEBTS which you have with your family. That will end your give and take. Blessings
Q. Babaji, namah shivay! My grandmother passed our away yesterday. I was very close to her so I cried a lot. I started the ascension kriya prayers for as taught in shivir. Lekin Babaji, does ascension of ancestors means “mukti" What is the hindi meaning of ascension? As I understand ascension of ancestors, it means their soul will leave earth. Lekin thoda sa aur clear kara dijeye. Namah shivay.
A. Namah shivay as you might be aware there are 14 Lokas. We are on the Prithvi Loka which is right in the middle of the 14 Lokas. It is the 7th Loka. Above it is Bhuvar Loka, Swarg Loka, Mehar Loka, Jan Loka, Siddha Loka and finally ...the highest Loka called Shiv Loka or Vaikunth Loka. You have to do ascension for a week. You have to send Sanjeevani and perceive that your grandmother's soul is ascending with the light to the highest dimension i.e. Shiv Loka. Do not cry or try to get attached as that will cause her soul to remain here and unable to get mukti from Prithvi Loka. Blessings.
Q. Babaji, thanks, please tell us who all compromise of the soul group other than parents, children and siblings. Please guide us. Namah shivay.
A. Namah shivay the core or main Soul Group is the children, parents and wife i.e. the immediate family. The more proximal the relation, the more the karmic debt. The more distant the relation, the less is the debt. Never fight with anyone otherwise he/she will become your immediate family in the next birth. Blessings.
Q. Namah shivay...I read that if 1 gives trouble and disrespect to mother attracts failure in mother always disrespects me, gives me all kinds of trouble from childhood even when I always give respect to her..I do sadhna daily...also I saw on TV that babaji was talking numerology about 21/12/2012...does that means babaji believes in numerology? Please reply. Regards
A. Namah shivay Baba ji said the date is numerologically an auspicious one too. Answering your first question. This is a clear cut case of prarabdh. Your mother and you share a very close relationship not only in this birth but from many previous births. It is incumbent upon you now that you have got a siddha as Guru to break this karmic cause and effect cycle. You two have been close for many births let it be known. Let not her hostility influence you. Tu pyar ka sagar hai. You are the ocean of love. If you give a drop of love to anyone, you wouldn’t incur any loss. Do not think about what her reaction is. From your side it must be love and only love. You and your mother are most invited to the next Prati Prasav sadhna whenever it takes place next. Blessings.
A. Namah shivay the core or main Soul Group is the children, parents and wife i.e. the immediate family. The more proximal the relation, the more the karmic debt. The more distant the relation, the less is the debt. Never fight with anyone otherwise he/she will become your immediate family in the next birth. Blessings.
Q. Namah shivay...I read that if 1 gives trouble and disrespect to mother attracts failure in mother always disrespects me, gives me all kinds of trouble from childhood even when I always give respect to her..I do sadhna daily...also I saw on TV that babaji was talking numerology about 21/12/2012...does that means babaji believes in numerology? Please reply. Regards
A. Namah shivay Baba ji said the date is numerologically an auspicious one too. Answering your first question. This is a clear cut case of prarabdh. Your mother and you share a very close relationship not only in this birth but from many previous births. It is incumbent upon you now that you have got a siddha as Guru to break this karmic cause and effect cycle. You two have been close for many births let it be known. Let not her hostility influence you. Tu pyar ka sagar hai. You are the ocean of love. If you give a drop of love to anyone, you wouldn’t incur any loss. Do not think about what her reaction is. From your side it must be love and only love. You and your mother are most invited to the next Prati Prasav sadhna whenever it takes place next. Blessings.
A. Namah shivay. Make a time table. Yam Niyam is one of the first step of being a sadhak. Making rules and following them with honesty is the primary step in spirituality. You must endeavour to do sadhna in the morning. If it is extremely unavoidable do it during the twilight period during sunset. Blessings.
Q. Namah shivay baba ji..................kya hum sadhna khana khane ke baad kar sakte hai kya?
A. Namah shivay doing sadhna after having food takes away concentration powers as the focus of the system shifts to digesting food and secreting enzymes. Sadhna must be done at least 2 hours after having food. Blessings.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Ganesh Vandana
गणेश वन्दना
गाइये गणपति जगवंदन l
शंकर सुवन भवानी नंदन ll गाइये. ll
सिद्धी सदन गजवदन विनायक l
कृपा सिंधु सुंदर सब लायक ll गाइये.ll
मोदक प्रिय मृद मंगल दाता l
विद्या बारिधि बुद्धि विधाता ll गाइये.ll
मांगत तुलसीदास कर जोरे l
बसहिं रामसिय मानस मोरे ll गाइये ll
Ganesh Vandana
English translation
Gaiye ganpati jagvandan l
Shankar suvan bhavani nandan ll Gaiye.ll
Siddhi sadan gajvandan vinayak l
Krupa sindhu sundar sab layak l Gaiye l.ll
Modak priya mrud mangal data l
Vidhya baaridhi buddhi vidhata l Gaiye l.ll
Mangat tulsidas kar jore l
Bashi ramsiya manas more l Gaiye l.ll
This is the Ganesh Vandana, a popular prayer recited in praise of Ganesha or Ganpati composed by the great sage Tulsidas ji. Ganesha is the Lord of all beginnings. Vandana means invoking the blessings in the form of salutations to a particular deity; this is a popular form of worship in the Hindu religion.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Queries of sadhaks-- Part 6
A. Namah shivay all this is superstition. One must light a dia everyday but only in front of God's picture. Never light a dia in front of a dead person's photograph. Go to temple, do sadhna regularly. Birth and death are part and p...parcel of 3rd dimension. Do you stop lighting a dia when a new baby is born in your house? No. Then why stop it if a person dies? All this is nature. Anyone who takes birth has to go. Birth and death are mere processes. Do not think too much over them. Pray for ascension of all. Blessings.
Q. Namah shivaya... please explain 1) tum hi vidhi ho aur tumne hi vidhan bnaye ha... 2) if a person prays or is a follower of a diety, he merges with that deity and will attain salvation when that deity will attain salvation....
A. Namah shivay when we remove the karmic layers we become the creator or Shiva ourselves. That way we lay our destiny on our own. We become the viddhi and vidhata. Secondly God doesn’t wish to attain salvation, He is already self realised.
Q. My query is if there is one universal soul then why what is truth behind lord Krishna who had unlimited power at time of birth? and do siddhas have form in siddhaloka... when soul merges with shiv shiva then ...that soul becomes siddha or shiv all liberated souls are merged or they still have independent identities.... can all people in world attain self realisation... bhaiya ji please answer these please.
A. Namah shivay the supreme soul sends its messengers from time to time to Earth to accomplish a motive. All siddhas are part of the universal consciousness. As and when the nature sees the need for their physical presence, it sends t...hem in human form. Everyone human is in a different stage to reach liberation. Siddhas guide us how to merge with the infinite. As for Siddhas being separate entities or one, Siddhas are one with nature. Any time their consciousness can be triggered by a spark which causes them to separate from The One to manifest into physical form. Yes everyone will reach liberation but at different times. At Shiv yog the endeavour is not to think so much about these things. The effort is to be a better individual without worrying about other things and people. Blessings.
Q. Need another guidance - I once attended an Inner Engineering Excellence course of Sad guru Jaggi Vasudev and they were saying, Healers incur Karmic Debts as they don't allow other souls to go through the natural process of settling Karmic debts, can u please guide, we are just channels of god, how can we incur karmic debts in such cases?
A. Namah shivay in Shiv Yog one can clear all debts by healing. Moreover not only one's own debts but of others too. Shiv Yog is being infinite and being above any doubts and ambiguities. The healing in Shiv Yog is without any limitations. Blessings.
Q. How can we clear debts of others...please guide....namah shivay.
A. Namah shivay by doing regular meditation at fixed timings and sending love to everyone especially the close family members can clear all your debts. Blessings.
Q. Ishaan ji, please guide about the best time for doing SriVidya, Shambhavi and Swadhyay. Also, I wanted to know that does the air of Air Conditioner affect the Sadhana/Energy. (My meditation room has one).
A. Namah shivay best time for Shambhavi is from 4am to 8am in the morning.
The Swadhyay can be done in the morning slot or at sunset in the evening.
Shree vidya must be done after sunset for best results.
Set a fixed time for these daily.
The Swadhyay can be done in the morning slot or at sunset in the evening.
Shree vidya must be done after sunset for best results.
Set a fixed time for these daily.
Also stay as natural as possible. Pooja room must not have AC. It must have least number of gadgets as possible. Blessings.
Q. Namah Shivaya Ishaan bhaiya...ek prashn hai...prati prasav toh ho gya...kya 100% karmic layers release ho gayi? Sadhna has cleared the layers or has started kaise pata chalta hai...
A. Namah shivay you have been taking birth as a human not only from this very time but since millions of years. So how can all the karmas are released all at once? Sadhna is a gradual process. The deeper you go and the more thoughtless you become in sadhna, the more karmas are burnt. Continue the sadhna extensively and use this birth and this divine time in the build up to 2012 to clear all karmas. Blessings.
Q. Namah shivaye...please tell me... Is it necessary to keep shri chakra at top and bottom of the golden book as it already contains shri chakra within it? I am confused... Although I am doing sadhna daily and write my golden book. How much time will it take to actualise the things written? Please guide. Thank u
A. Namah shivay the purer you become by doing more and more sadhna, the faster things will materialize.
Q. I don’t have Meru. So please clear the fact that I am doing shrividhya sadhna without the MERU, Is it necessary to keep it in front while doing sadhna. And from where I can get it... I’m from Delhi
A. Shree Vidya sadhna in its original form is to be done on a 3 dimensional Shree yantra which is to be kept in front of the sadhak. A dia is to be lit. 3 things must be there for ideal sadhna. Ma Lalita Devi Tripursundari ji's picture in front of you, on the right side. The Guru's picture in front of you, on the left side and finally the Meru in front on the extreme left. Light a common dia in front of all these 3. You can buy the Meru at the Dwarka Ashram. Since it has been made with ideal specifications and using ideal 8 substances, it is a tad expensive. Blessings.
Q. From where can we get the Ma Lalita Devi Tripursundari ji's picture? Can I light a dia and keep guru and Ma Lalita Devi Tripursundari ji's picture in front of a 2-D yantra?
A. Namah shivay you can print this and get it laminated or framed. And yes you can keep the arrangement you mentioned although 3D yantra is recommended for best results.
Q. Can any maili vidya affect any sadhak?
A. No it can’t until the sadhak decides to let the force take over and believes more in the negative power than Guru's power. Blessings.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Maha Lakshmi Suktam ---- Video
Deepawali Greetings and
Best Wishes for Joyful Festivities
to all the viewers of SHIVSHAKTI CANADA
Thursday, October 20, 2011
32 Names of Maa Durga
श्री दुर्गाद्वात्रिंशन्नाममाला
दुर्गा माँ के बत्तीस नाम
दुर्गा दुर्गार्तिशमनी दुर्गापद्विनिवारिणी।
दुर्गमच्छेदिनी दुर्गसाधिनी दुर्गनाशिनी॥
दुर्गतोद्धारिणी दुर्गनिहिन्त्री दुर्गमापहा ।
दुर्गमज्ञानदा दुर्गदैत्यलोकदवानला॥
दुर्गमा दुर्गमालोका दुर्गमात्मस्वरूपिणी।
दुर्गमार्गप्रदा दुर्गमविद्या दुर्गमाश्रिता॥
दुर्गम्ज्ञानसंस्थाना दुर्गमध्यानभासिनी।
दुर्गमोहा दुर्गमगा दुर्गमार्थस्वरूपिणी॥
दुर्गमासुरसंहन्त्री दुर्गमायुधधारिणी।
दुर्गमांगी दुर्गमता दुर्गम्या दुर्गमेश्वरी॥
दुर्गभीमा दुर्गभामा दुर्गभा दुर्गदारिणी।
नामावलिमिमां यस्तु दुर्गाया मम मानव:॥
पठेत् सर्वभयान्मुक्तो भविष्यिति न संशय:॥
दुर्गा माँ के बत्तीस नाम
दुर्गा दुर्गार्तिशमनी दुर्गापद्विनिवारिणी।
दुर्गमच्छेदिनी दुर्गसाधिनी दुर्गनाशिनी॥
दुर्गतोद्धारिणी दुर्गनिहिन्त्री दुर्गमापहा ।
दुर्गमज्ञानदा दुर्गदैत्यलोकदवानला॥
दुर्गमा दुर्गमालोका दुर्गमात्मस्वरूपिणी।
दुर्गमार्गप्रदा दुर्गमविद्या दुर्गमाश्रिता॥
दुर्गम्ज्ञानसंस्थाना दुर्गमध्यानभासिनी।
दुर्गमोहा दुर्गमगा दुर्गमार्थस्वरूपिणी॥
दुर्गमासुरसंहन्त्री दुर्गमायुधधारिणी।
दुर्गमांगी दुर्गमता दुर्गम्या दुर्गमेश्वरी॥
दुर्गभीमा दुर्गभामा दुर्गभा दुर्गदारिणी।
नामावलिमिमां यस्तु दुर्गाया मम मानव:॥
पठेत् सर्वभयान्मुक्तो भविष्यिति न संशय:॥
English Translation
Durgaa Durgaartishamanii Durgapadvinivaarinii l
Durgamchchhedinii Durgsaadhinii Durgnaashinii ll
Durgtoddhaarinii Durgnihantri Durgmaapahaa l
Durgamgyaanadaa Durgdaityalokdavaanalaa ll
Durgmaa Durgmaaloka Durgmaatmsvaruupinii l
Durgmaargpradaa Durgamvidya Durgmaashritaa ll
Durggyaansansthaanaa Durgamdhyaanbhaasinii l
Durgmohaa Durgmagaa Durgmaarthsvaruupinii ll
Durgmaasursamhantrii Durgmaayudhdhaarinii l
Durgmaangii Durgmataa Durgmyaa Durgmeshvarii ll
Durgbhiimaa Durgbhaamaa Durgbhaa Durgdaarinii l
Naamaavalimimaam Yastu Durgaayaa Mam Maanvaah ll
Pathet Sarvbhayaanmukto Bhavishyati Na Samshayaah ll
Durgaa Durgaartishamanii Durgapadvinivaarinii l
Durgamchchhedinii Durgsaadhinii Durgnaashinii ll
Durgtoddhaarinii Durgnihantri Durgmaapahaa l
Durgamgyaanadaa Durgdaityalokdavaanalaa ll
Durgmaa Durgmaaloka Durgmaatmsvaruupinii l
Durgmaargpradaa Durgamvidya Durgmaashritaa ll
Durggyaansansthaanaa Durgamdhyaanbhaasinii l
Durgmohaa Durgmagaa Durgmaarthsvaruupinii ll
Durgmaasursamhantrii Durgmaayudhdhaarinii l
Durgmaangii Durgmataa Durgmyaa Durgmeshvarii ll
Durgbhiimaa Durgbhaamaa Durgbhaa Durgdaarinii l
Naamaavalimimaam Yastu Durgaayaa Mam Maanvaah ll
Pathet Sarvbhayaanmukto Bhavishyati Na Samshayaah ll
1.Durga The Reliever of Difficulties
2.Durgatirsamini Who puts difficulties at peace
3.Durgapadvinivarin Dispeller of difficult adversities
4.Durgamacchedini, Who cuts down difficulty
5.Durgasadhini The performer of Discipline to expel difficulties
6.Durganasini The Destroyer of Difficulty
7.Durgatoddharin Who holds the whip of difficulties
8.Durgenihantri, Who sends difficulties to Ruin
9.Durgamapaha Who measures difficulties
10.Durgamajñanada Who makes difficulties unconscious
11.Durgadaityalokadavanala Who destroys the world of difficult thoughts
12.Durgama The mother of difficulties
13.Durgamaloka The perception of difficulties
14.Durgamatmasvarupin The Intrinsic Nature of the soul of difficulties
15.Durgamargaprada Who searches through the difficulties
16.Durgamavidya The knowledge of difficulties
17.Durgamasrita The Extrication from difficulties
18.Durgamajñanasam´sthana The continued existence of difficulties
19.Durgamadhyanabhasini Whose meditation remains brilliant when in difficulties
20.Durgamoha Who deludes difficulties
21.Durgamaga Who resolves difficulties
22.Durgamarthasvarupini Who is the intrinsic nature of the object of difficulties
23.Durgamasurasanhantri The annihilator of the egotism of difficulties
24.Durgamayudhadharini Bearer of the weapon against difficulties
25.Durgamangi The refinery of difficulties
26.Durgamata Who is beyond difficulties
27.Durgamya This present difficulty
28.Durgamesvari The empress of difficulties
29.Durgabhima Who is terrible to difficulties
30.Durgabhama The lady to difficulties
31.Durgabha The illuminator of difficulties
32.Durgadarini Who cuts off difficulties
1.Durga The Reliever of Difficulties
2.Durgatirsamini Who puts difficulties at peace
3.Durgapadvinivarin Dispeller of difficult adversities
4.Durgamacchedini, Who cuts down difficulty
5.Durgasadhini The performer of Discipline to expel difficulties
6.Durganasini The Destroyer of Difficulty
7.Durgatoddharin Who holds the whip of difficulties
8.Durgenihantri, Who sends difficulties to Ruin
9.Durgamapaha Who measures difficulties
10.Durgamajñanada Who makes difficulties unconscious
11.Durgadaityalokadavanala Who destroys the world of difficult thoughts
12.Durgama The mother of difficulties
13.Durgamaloka The perception of difficulties
14.Durgamatmasvarupin The Intrinsic Nature of the soul of difficulties
15.Durgamargaprada Who searches through the difficulties
16.Durgamavidya The knowledge of difficulties
17.Durgamasrita The Extrication from difficulties
18.Durgamajñanasam´sthana The continued existence of difficulties
19.Durgamadhyanabhasini Whose meditation remains brilliant when in difficulties
20.Durgamoha Who deludes difficulties
21.Durgamaga Who resolves difficulties
22.Durgamarthasvarupini Who is the intrinsic nature of the object of difficulties
23.Durgamasurasanhantri The annihilator of the egotism of difficulties
24.Durgamayudhadharini Bearer of the weapon against difficulties
25.Durgamangi The refinery of difficulties
26.Durgamata Who is beyond difficulties
27.Durgamya This present difficulty
28.Durgamesvari The empress of difficulties
29.Durgabhima Who is terrible to difficulties
30.Durgabhama The lady to difficulties
31.Durgabha The illuminator of difficulties
32.Durgadarini Who cuts off difficulties
Whoever will recite this garland of the names of Durga the reliever of difficulties, for me, will be freed from every type of fear without a doubt.
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