Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Queries of Sadhaks...Part 19

Q. Namah Shivay, The Shree Vidya Sadhana taught at the HK shivir August 2013 and the Gurgaon Shivir November 2013 vary. One focuses on the chakras with mantra and the other sadhana focuses on the Meru with the mantra. I am a bit confused as to which one I should do? Thanks.
 A. Namah shivay. The one you have attended most recently you should practice that. Blessings.

Q. Namah Shivay I was initiated into shree vidya level-1 by Babaji in Ahmedabad shivir in 2010, now a cd of advait shree vidya guided meditation level-1 is recently launched. Can Ido meditation using that cd or it is a different meditation? Please advice. I have bought that cd but due to this confusion, still not used it. Thank you.
A. Namah shivay ji if you have been doing regular sadhana as taught by Baba ji, you can do any guided meditation. Do not break the momentum. Recommended is that you begin a routine immediately after attending a shivir. Blessings.

Q. आप के प्रवचनों को सुनती रहती हूँ और कोई संशय नहीं की आप बहुत ज्ञानवर्धक बाते बताते हैं। लेकिन जब आप बताते हैं "The antidote to all diseases, problems and sufferings तो क्या आप ये नहीं मानते की "मोटापा " भी diseases, problems and sufferings के अंतर्गत आता है ?
Listen to the texts you live and no doubt you are very informative talk show. but when you say "The antidote to all diseases, problems and sufferings, do you not believe" obesity "also belongs to the sufferings and diseases, problems? (Translated by Bing)
A.    नमः शिवाय हमारे शरीर का जो भी प्रकार है उसके लिए हम स्वयं उत्तरदायी हैं| मोटापे को रोग की संज्ञा यदि आप एक सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण से देती हैं तब तो उचित है| किंतु यदि ऐसा आप मात्र टिप्पणी करने हेतु करती हैं तो यह ग़लत है| बाबा जी कहते हैं की अपने भीतर कोई भी सुखद बदलाव लाने से पूर्व अपने को जैसे तुम हो वैसा स्वीकार करो| उसके पश्चात अपने से यह पूछो की मैं चाहती क्या हूँ? क्या मैं अपने वजन किलो, १० किलो या १५ किलो घटाना चाहती हूँ? यदि हाँ तो मैं इसके लिए क्या मूल्य चुकाने को तय्यार हूँ? क्या मैं प्रत्येक दिन व्यायाम करने को तय्यार हूँ? क्या मैं अपने जिव्हा का स्वाद त्यागने को तय्यार हूँ? वजन कम करने के पीछे मेरी भावना क्या है? इन सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने के बाद विचार को कर्म में बदलिए और गुरू को हर कदम पर प्रणाम करिए, धन्यवाद दीजिए और उनका आशीर्वाद लीजिए| आप जो कुछ चाहती हैं आपको मिल जाएगा| नमः शिवाय

Q. what is the ideal time for doing Durga Saptsati Sadhana chanting?
A. Namah shivay! Morning 4-8am or evening 5-7pm. Blessings

Q. Namah Shivay. Kindly guide.... Is it ok to recite "Devi Kavach" before ShriVidya Sadhna?
A. Namah shivay whatever the Guru has taught you in the shivir is the final teaching. Treat it as Guru Prasad and follow it without any contamination. Bring the bhaav. Blessings.

Q. Aap Kei Marg Darshan kei liyai dhanyawad, please batayein joh dhan mata pita sei milta hain, joh Will meih likha jata hain, kya woh dhan rakhna chayai, kyon kei hum toh Mata Pita kei Rinni hain, toh yeh rin mukti kaisai hogi, agar woh dhan bhi humnai rakli? Please please jawab dena. Namah Shivay.
A. Namah shivay. We must be driven by love and not fear. Parents indeed do so much for us. As a spiritual seeker we must at all times be ready to do anything and everything for them and make them feel comfortable and special. We must not treat them or their possessions as something separate from us. There is no competition to pay back their debt. While they are alive, we must give them so much love that all else becomes immaterial. In cases like yours, don’t create division that this is my parents' money and that is my money. Why create duality? You are their part. You are not separate from them. Everything that is theirs is yours. But yes don’t be dependent on their money alone. Work hard to earn yours while assimilate theirs to the whole. The debt of the parents can be fulfilled by doing all your duties as a son/daughter such that it pleases your parents and an atmosphere of unconditional love prevails. At a later stage this debt is paid back by being a good parent yourself. Namah shivay.

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